Should I Use Retinol Every Day? Your Retinol Frequency Guide

Retinol Calendar

There’s a lot to consider when figuring out how to use retinol, especially if it’s your first time. 

It’s a hot topic online. Skincare enthusiasts want to make sure their routine does the most without irritating their skin or compromising their skin barrier. Skincare is rarely one-size-fits-all, and with an ingredient like retinol, that means that usage frequency isn’t one-size-fits-all either. 

So let’s figure out how often you should use retinol, and whether you can use it every day. 

Can I use retinol every day? 

You might be able to use retinol every day… or it might be too much for your skin. 

How often you use retinol depends on factors like your skin sensitivity level, the type of retinol you’re using, and your previous experience with retinoids. 

The people who get away with using a retinoid every day (even when first starting out) will usually have at least a few of these things apply:

  • Low sensitivity. They have a strong skin barrier and are generally not too prone to irritation
  • Simple skincare. They’re following a streamlined and minimal skincare routine, usually with a focus on barrier repair and moisture. 
  • Have used actives before. They have some experience using acids like glycolic or salicylic acid, or other similarly active ingredients. 
  • Gentle retinoid. They’ve selected a retinoid that’s not known for causing much irritation, like retinaldehyde.  

Even so, we always recommend you work your way up to using retinol every day. Give your skin a few weeks to acclimate to a gradual introduction of the product. 

If the opposite is true, and your skin is very sensitive or you’ve never used anything stronger than an enzyme mask, then take things slooooooowly. 

Figuring out how often to use retinol 

While we can't tell you exactly how often you should use retinol, we can help you figure it out by yourself. 

Prep for retinol success

Before you start, simplify your routine and take a break from exfoliants or other strong active ingredients. Make sure your skin barrier is in great shape - using a moisturizer with niacinamide can make a difference. 

Use retinol every few days at first

When you’re first starting out with retinol, slow and gradual is your best bet. You might be able to work your way up to using retinol every day, but to figure it out, you need to start with intermittent use. 

Many sources recommend you start only using retinol once a week, but we think this is a little too conservative. If your skin has a history of sensitivity, start with twice weekly use. 

You can start with three times a week if you already have experience using other active ingredients. That said, make sure to simplify the rest of your routine while introducing your retinoid. 

Expect retinization 

When you first start using retinoids, your skin goes through a period of acclimatization called retinization. It’s usually more noticeable with prescription retinoids, where it causes sensitivity, dryness, flakiness, or a temporary increase in breakouts called skin purging

Breaks are okay 

If you do notice redness, sensitivity, or other signs of irritation, you can always take a short break (although if it’s very mild you can keep using at the same or lower frequency).  

Work your way up to using retinol every day

On the other hand, if things progress well, continue to gradually increase how often you use your retinol. Within 2 to 3 weeks, you can work your way up to using it every day! 

Consider the type of retinoid

Take into account the type of retinoid you’re using. A 0.3% retinol cream is significantly milder and offers fewer skin benefits compared to retinal or retinoic acid. You’ll probably be able to use it on a daily basis very quickly compared to a more powerful product. Check out our retinol strength guide for an idea of what you can expect from most retinoids. 

Make sure your daily retinol works 

By taking it slow and paying attention, you’ll have no trouble figuring out if you can use retinol every day. Plus, your skin will benefit from retinol’s skin smoothing and anti-wrinkle effects even if you use it less often. 

Just make sure to use a retinol that actually does something. A lot of the retinol products on the market contain weak forms of retinol or have unstable packaging, so they don’t create any noticeable change in the skin. 

When creating the Protocol Enzyme-Active Retinol Serum, our lab team’s goal was to figure out how to stabilize the most potent form of cosmetic retinol so it could visibly transform aging, acne-prone, or uneven skin. Made with retinaldehyde, the next step up from retinol with 20 times the power, it’s a speedy solution for wrinkles and texture. 

Its wrinkle-fading results are comparable to prescription retinoids, but it’s almost never irritating to the skin, even with daily use. So if you’d like to use a retinol that’s worth using every day… We invite you to try it.


Here are some testimonials from our clients, along with a visual representation of the results.


"The best retinol serum you can buy."
This is by far the best retinol serum you can buy without a prescription. Other retinol products don't even compare to this serum. It will transform your skin in only 3 weeks.
"Loving My Protocol"
I am having a really good experience with the retinol. I feel like my skin tone is more even and vibrant. Use it every day!
"Quick Results"
In just one month I've noticed a difference in how smooth and healthy my skin looks
"Love this serum"
I love this serum! I've noticed my skin feels smoother and looks clearer with a healthy glow after evening use. My sebaceous filaments appear smaller, and I haven't experienced any irritation, which is great for my sensitive skin. Compared to another retinol serum I used, this one delivers quicker results.
I have most definitely climbed the fence into middle-age and have been attempting to deny that reality with myriads of products over the past decade. This one works! Over the past month my wrinkles have diminished and my face is mad smooth and is more, dare I say, vibrant. Believe the hype!
"This stuff is genius."
​My skin never freaked out, it has just gotten-- better. smoother, brighter. My rosacea doesn't seem to mind it, either. I'm using the vitamin C as well. Things just seem to keep improving! I'm delighted.

Try a Retinol with Guaranteed Results

Is your retinol not yellow?

That's the first...yellow flag that your retinol may not be formulated properly. Real retinol––like it's cousin beta carotene that makes carrots bright orange––should be bright yellow.