There are a few different types of retinols, and they’re not all effective. Check out our retinoid strength chart and learn which retinoids will be best for your skin.
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If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you’ll want to know if you can use salicylic acid with retinol. The two ingredients together could give you the smoothest skin of your life, but make sure to combine them safely.
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Learn how to get rid of sebaceous filaments and keep them away for good. Discover the best sebaceous filament treatments and products.

Acne is incredibly common, so it’s important to know how to get rid of pimples when they pop up. Discover our tips for pimple treatment, including how to get rid of pimples overnight.

Learn how to heal your popped pimple quickly based on first aid principles, to reduce your risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation.